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U neprestanoj potrazi za vlastitim identitetom stalno se spotičemo mišlju o
pripadnosti grupi koja, nekada, ne pripada nama, a kojoj sami, opet, nekada
ne pripadamo.

Radeći na prikupljanju fotografija za Dokumentacioni centar nastojimo
prepoznati što više tragova o postojanju vrste života, kakav danas spada u
svijet iluzije, i jednog mjesta, grada, posebnog u tome što je, iako ubijan,
uspijevao nadživjeti samog sebe.

Šta je grad bez ljudi ? Nedovršen identitet ničega. Tako sam je ništa.
Vjerujem da ne bi bilo zgoreg da se, sa nekog naučnog stanovišta, utvrdi
klasifikacija pripadnosti jednom mjestu, identitetu cjeline utkane u genetski
kod, njegovoj istoriji, životu (što je uvijek sadašnjost) i njegovim planovima
(okrenuti ka budućnosti).

Za sebe mogu reći da sam Srebreničanin po, najmanje, tri osnova: Istoriji, odnosno
korijenima ili precima, po rođenju i po stanovanju (življenjem u Srebrenici).
Međutim, kroz prikupljanje fotografija na kojima bi, je li, po prvobitnoj zamisli,
trebali biti motivi Srebrenice i Srebreničana, dolazim u neku vrstu dileme. Naime,
na tim fotografijama ponekad je teško razlikovati one koje bi mogle biti dio arhiva od onih koje nisu u skladu sa konceptom istog.

Nerijetko dolazimo u posjed fotografija osoba koje, niti istorijom, niti rođenjem ne pripadaju ovoj sredini, a stanovanjem, življenjem, zapravo, jesu Srebreničani. Ali, kako odrediti vremenski dijapazon stanovanja i posvećenost jedne ličnosti da svojim identitetom ostavi trag u identitetu jednog mjesta?
Na drugoj strani imamo osobe koje nisu tu, ali istorijom i rođenjem imaju stečenu pripadnost ovom podneblju, sa dvojnom pripadnošću identitetu drugog mjesta…
Tokom rata, ali i poslije, svjedoci smo brisanja slojeva identiteta iz identiteta jednog mjesta. Primjeri tome su brojni: Ubijanje i protjerivanje jedne grupe stanovništva, uništavanje svega što se veže za tu grupu, a opet… ta namjera je, zapravo, u svojoj krajnosti neizvodiva, ma koliko značajna, obimna i teška bila. Ostaje neizvodiva.

Možeš srušiti džamiju i crkvu, ubiti muslimana i pravoslavca, zapaliti spomenike kulture i objekte, poravnati groblje… brisati svaki vidljivi trag… ipak, suština ostaje u nevidljivom, jer to je nemoguće izbrisati. Identitet mjesta, makar mu promijenio ime, srušio sve što ga čini, zapalio i temelje… svaki mogući objekat, izgradio druge, naselio nove ljude… To je vidljivo. To je samo površina. To je dio strukture trajnog identiteta, ispod
kojeg sve ono uništeno još uvijek je postojeće, prisutno i živo.

Na objektu devastiranog restorana „Lovac“, u Srebrenici, postoji tabla na kojoj je nekada bilo ispisano ime građevinskog inženjera zaslužnog za izgradnju ovog objekta. Ime je bilo ispisano, a nakon rata izbrisano tupim predmetom. Iako ime više nije čitljivo, da li ovaj kritičar i korektor može izbrisati identitet ovog objekta u koji su satkane uspomene generacija Srebreničana, koji krasi razglednice Srebrenice i kojeg je izgradio građevinski
inženjer čije je ime uklonjeno s table sjećanja?
Drugi primjer mogu biti folderi radnika iz fabrike FEROS u Potočarima. Svaki uposlenik imao je svoj dosije, kako onaj prije rata, tako i oni koji su radili poslije. Naravno, neposredno nakon rata u FEROSu nije bilo niti jednog uposlenika Bošnjaka, ali je
ostala dokumentacija, koja je izbačena iz fascikli na kojima su stajala njihova imena i preko kojih su zalijepljena imena novih radnika.

U suštini, iako komplikovano stanje, smatram da nema mnogo filozofije i da
čovjek vremenom sebe zasluži u identitet jednog mjesta…

In the constant quest for our own identity we continuously come across the thought that we belong to a group which, sometimes, does not belong to us and to which we do not belong.

Working on a collection of photographs for the Documentation Centre, we are trying to recognise as many signs as possible about the existence of life that, today, belongs to a world of illusions and about a place, a city special for its strength to outlive itself although killed many times in different ways.

What is a city without its people? An unfinished identity of nothingness. Therefore, as such, is self nothing. I believe that it would be a worthy try to use a scientific point of view to regulate the classification of belonging to one place, an identity of a whole embedded in the genetic code, its history, life (still being the present) and its perspectives (towards the future). I can define myself as a citizen of Srebrenica on the following three bases:
history, or in other words, the ancestors, birth and the place of residence (living in Srebrenica). Be that as it may, the collected photographs, according to the primary intention, should consist of the marks that define the true identities of Srebrenica and its citizens, all of which makes me wonder…

Sometimes, it is hard to distinguish between those pictures that deserve their place in the archive, and those that do not harmonise with the idea of it. Many times have we acquired photographs of people who neither by history or birth belong to this community and because they live here, they are regarded as the citizens of Srebrenica. However, how long should one reside in a place and how much devotion is needed to leave a mark of one’s identity on the identity of one place?
On the other hand, we have people who are not here but their history and birth means they belong to Srebrenica, while they simultaneously belong to another place as well.

During and after the war, we have witnessed the removal of layers of identities from the identity of a place. There are various examples: killing and banishment of one group of population, destruction of everything that belongs to that group and still, the intention is, in fact, unachievable, no matter how significant, how huge and complex is the destruction was. It stays unachievable. You can destroy mosques, churches, kill a Muslim, a Serb, burn down the cultural monuments and buildings, flatten the graves, remove any visible mark of life but still, everything stays in the invisible since you cannot destroy the invisible.

The identity of a place, you can change its name, destroy everything that makes its identity, burn its temples, its facilities, build other ones, and bring new people. That is visible. That is just a surface. That is a brick in a structure of a permanent identity underneath which everything that had been destroyed is existing, living and present.
At the location of the devastated restaurant “Lovac” in Srebrenica, there is a board on which, once upon a time, a name was written. It was the name of the construction engineer who was responsible for the overall construction of this restaurant. There was a name, and after the war, it was removed by a blunt object. Although, the name is no longer visible, does this critic and corrector have the ability to remove the identity of this building that carries the memories of generations of Srebrenica, which adorns postcards of Srebrenica and which was constructed by construction engineer whose name was
removed from the board of memory?

Another example can be seen in the folders of the workers of the FEROS factory in Potočari. Every employee had their file, both those that worked before and those that worked after the war. By all means, immediately after the war, FEROS did not possess one employee of Bosniak identity but their documentation was there and was thrown out of their folders with their names which were replaced by the names of new employees.
In conclusion, although a tremendously complicated case, it is still pretty plain.

Bekir Halilović

ADOPT Srebrenica – Priča o nama:
